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맥주로 세계 여행


by Liquid Fire 2014. 8. 12.


1. 제품명 : Idiot IPA (이디엇 아이피에이)

2. 원산지 : 미국

3. 알코올 : 8.5%

4. 원재료 : 정제수, 보리맥아, 홉

5. 제조 회사 : Coronado Brewing Company (홈페이지 링크)

6. 맥주 종류 : American Double / Imperial IPA

Take an India Pale Ale and feed it steroids, ergo the term Double IPA. Although open to the same interpretation as its sister styles, you should expect something robust, malty, alcoholic and with a hop profile that might rip your tongue out. The Imperial usage comes from Russian Imperial stout, a style of strong stout originally brewed in England for the Russian Imperial Court of the late 1700s; though Double IPA is often the preferred name.

You can thank west coast American brewers for this somewhat reactionary style. "Thanks!" (출처 : Beer Advocate 링크)









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