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Goose IPA (미국 맥주, Goose Island)

by Liquid Fire 2018. 8. 8.

1. 제품명 : Goose IPA (구스아일랜드 아이피에이)

2. 원산지 : 미국

3. 알코올 : 5.9%

4. 원재료 : 정제수, 보리맥아, 홉스, 맥아밀

5. 제조회사 : Goose Island (홈페이지 링크)

6. 맥주 종류 : English India Pale Ale (IPA)

First brewed in England and exported for the British troops in India during the late 1700s. To withstand the voyage, IPA's were basically tweaked Pale Ales that were, in comparison, much more malty, boasted a higher alcohol content and were well-hopped, as hops are a natural preservative. Historians believe that an IPA was then watered down for the troops, while officers and the elite would savor the beer at full strength. The English IPA has a lower alcohol due to taxation over the decades. The leaner the brew the less amount of malt there is and less need for a strong hop presence which would easily put the brew out of balance. Some brewers have tried to recreate the origianl IPA with strengths close to 8-9% abv. (출처 : Beer Advocate)

맥주는 길맥이지.

시카고 공항 국내선 청사에 있는 Goose Island 술집.

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