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5,0 Original Weiss Beer (독일 맥주) 1. 제품명 : 5,0 Original Weiss Beer (5,0 바이스 비어)2. 원산지 : 독일3. 알코올 : 5.0%4. 원재료 : 정제수, 밀맥아 6.84%, 보리맥아, 홉스추출물, 효모, 밀함유5. 제조 회사 : Brauerei Moenchengladbach6. 맥주 종류 : Weiss BeerWhat is a Weissbier? There are many names for it: weissbier, weisse, witbier, and even wheat beer. All of these, however, are variations. Let’s start at the beginning. Back in the middle ages, tribes in the lands of Germany bre.. 2018. 5. 8.
Ottweiler Pils (독일 맥주) 1. 제품명 : Ottweiler Pils (오트바일러 필스)2. 원산지 : 독일3. 알코올 : 4.5%4. 원재료 : 정제수, 맥아, 홉스추출물5. 제조 회사 : HOFBRAUHAUS VERTRIEBS GMBH (홈페이지 링크)6. 맥주 종류 : German PilsenerThe Pilsner beer was first brewed in Bohemia, a German-speaking province in the old Austrian Empire. Pilsner is one of the most popular styles of lager beers in Germany, and in many other countries. It’s often spelled as "Pilsener", and often t.. 2017. 11. 17.
Original Oettinger Export 1. 제품명 : Original Oettinger Export (웨팅어 엑스포트) 2. 원산지 : 독일 3. 알코올 : 5.4 % 4. 원재료 : 정제수, 보리맥아, 호프추출물 5. 제조 회사 : Oettinger Brauerei (홈페이지 링크) 6. 맥주 종류 : Dortmunder / Export Lager Made popular in the 19th century in Dortmund, Germany, these pale golden lagers exhibit a classic clean character with notes of biscuity malts. Bitterness is akin to a German Pilsner with an aromatic aroma. Mouthfeel is fi.. 2015. 1. 21.
Stephans Hefeweizen (독일) 1. 제품명 : Stephans Hefeweizen (스테판스 헤페바이스) 2. 원산지 : 독일 3. 알코올 : 5.3 % 4. 원재료 : 정제수, 밀맥아, 보리맥아, 홉추출물, 효모 5. 제조 회사 : Eichbaum Brauereien AG (홈페이지 링크) 6. 맥주 종류 : Hefeweizen A south German style of wheat beer (weissbier) made with a typical ratio of 50:50, or even higher, wheat. A yeast that produces a unique phenolic flavors of banana and cloves with an often dry and tart edge, some spiciness, bubbl.. 2015. 1. 9.