728x90 반응형 Krombacher Non-Alcoholic1 Krombacher Non-Alcoholic (독일) 1. 제품명 : Krombacher Non-Alcoholic (크롬바커 홀릭) 2. 원산지 : 독일 3. 알코올 : < 0.5 % 4. 원재료 : 정제수, 보리맥아, 홉추, 홉스추출물 5. 제조 회사 : Krombacher Brauerei Bernhard Schadeberg (홈페이지 링크) 6. 맥주 종류 : Low Alcohol Beer. Low Alcohol Beer is also commonly known as Non Alcohol (NA) beer, which is a fallacy as all of these beers still contain small amounts of alcohol. Low Alcohol Beers are generally subjected to one of two th.. 2015. 1. 21. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형