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맥주로 세계 여행

Heineken Lager Beer (네덜란드)

by Liquid Fire 2014. 6. 27.

1. 제품명 : Heineken Lager Beer

2. 원산지 : 네덜란드

3. 알코올 : 5.0%

4. 원재료 : 정제수, 맥아, 호프

5. 제조 회사 : Heineken Nederland B.V. (홈페이지 링크)

6. 맥주 종류 : Euro Pale Lager

Similar to the Munich Helles story, many European countries reacted to the popularity of early pale lagers by brewing their own. Hop flavor is significant and of noble varieties, bitterness is moderate, and both are backed by a solid malt body and sweetish notes from an all-malt base. (출처 : Beer Advocate)








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