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맥주로 세계 여행

Original Oettinger Export

by Liquid Fire 2015. 1. 21.

1. 제품명 : Original Oettinger Export (웨팅어 엑스포트)

2. 원산지 : 독일

3. 알코올 : 5.4 %

4. 원재료 : 정제수, 보리맥아, 호프추출물

5. 제조 회사 : Oettinger Brauerei (홈페이지 링크)

6. 맥주 종류 : Dortmunder / Export Lager
Made popular in the 19th century in Dortmund, Germany, these pale golden lagers exhibit a classic clean character with notes of biscuity malts. Bitterness is akin to a German Pilsner with an aromatic aroma. Mouthfeel is firm and even, with an overall dry tone.
(출처 : Beer Advocate 링크)








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