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Coors Light (미국 맥주)

by Liquid Fire 2019. 2. 7.

1. 제품명 : Coors Light (쿠어스 라이트)

2. 원산지 : 미국

3. 알코올 : 4.2%

4. 원재료 : 정제수, 보리맥아, 옥수수시럽, 호프즙, 효모

5. 제조회사 : 밀러쿠어스 엘엘씨, Miller Coors (홈페이지 링크)

6. 맥주종류 : American Light Lager

The Light Lager is generally a lighter version of a brewery's premium lager, some are lower in alcohol but all are lower in calories and carbohydrates compared to other beers. Typically a high amount of cereal adjuncts like rice or corn are used to help lighten the beer as much as possible. Very low in malt flavor with a light and dry body. The hop character is low and should only balance with no signs of flavor or aroma. European versions are about half the alcohol (2.5-3.5% ABV) as their regular beer, yet show more flavor (some use 100 percent malt) then the American counterparts. For the most part, this style has the least amount of flavor than any other style of beer. (출처 : Beer Advocate)

